Friday, January 8, 2010

My Kids are out of control...It can't be my fault!!! Can it????

Good Afternoon Fellow Divas and Don Juans!!!!

So today I'm off to a late start, I had a little too much fun last night dancing the night away with a friend from my hometown. We had a BLAST!!!! (Hi Britt)

I was talking to someone the other day about kids and she said "Girl these da** kids are out of control!! I can't take this bullsh** anymore girl I don't know where they get this sh** from!!" Now after I laughed for a minute, I thought about what she said. How could she not know where they get it from when she's not teaching them ANYTHING AT ALL?? Lol guess that's why she doesn't know huh?!?!? hahaha

I began thinking about my own kids. While they're certainly not out of control, I had to admit that there were things I could be doing on top of my regular parenting to ensure that they stay on the right track. I learned from my mother that my kids love routine, they like to have a schedule that is followed without fail. They're 13 and 8!! Schedule?? What kid do you know that loves routine?? Funny right?? I know, it was news to me but she was correct. Of course she has more wisdom in this area since she raised such a FINE WOMAN in myself ;-)
Seriously though I started looking at my role of a parent in a different light. The choices I make will always affect my kids whether direct or indirect. My attitude and outlook on life as well as how I handle my responsibility will ultimately shape their attitude and outlook. I am a mirror reflection of what they will become because I'm the main source of their knowledge outside of the babysitters...oops I mean "Schools". If they turn out to be people of poor integrity and morals, can I sit back and say I did all I can do so it's not my fault?? No I can't because I feel that a parent's job is never REALLY done, even once they're grown with their own kids!! I'm sure my mother feels like turning her "mommy" badge in since her kids are 29 and 27 but she continues to nurture us and help guide our steps if needed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

You're a 10 right?? So Show and Prove!!

Good Afternoon Fellow Divas and Don Juans!!!

So today I'm just venting about silly people, why is every woman quick to hollar "I'm a 10" or "I'm a dime piece", then turn around and ask you for some gas money????!?!??!?!?

Now ladies don't jump on me, I'm always representing for my Independent CLASSY WOMEN.
Today, I'm talking about my CoDependent TRASHY GIRLS running around town trying to find a 401k plan in any man's wallet!!!

First I need to say that there's nothing wrong with being confident and knowing what you're worth. When you truly know your value, you don't need to utter it to ANYONE. It will show in your face, the way you walk, your grammar and tone of voice, it will all exude QUALITY. I admire the real women I see daily, always so poised and full of grace! Their voice quiet but their energy captures any room, that's a "dime" if you will.

On the flip side, we have the pretty ghetto bunnies that look good on the outside but are sour like spoiled milk underneath the MAC and Betsy Johnson. They're the ones that spend 70% of their time chasing pockets while the other 30% is spent sleep. Yes I said sleep!! Sleeping the day away while the kids listen to sex songs on the radio, watch sex movies on TV and talk about sex with their friends on the living room couch. This is an everyday routine for the average "Dime Piece" household, since the main focus is to land a baller with 26 inch spinners on his rainbow colored box chevy!! Candy Coated Paint of course right?!?!?! Nothing but the best for these "Dime Pieces" I assure you that! ;-)

Ladies Ladies LADIES!!! Let's get it together in 2010! Women are becoming more and more successful independently with each breath we take! Instead of waiting on these men, we're waiting on our stock dividends to pay out and laughing ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!!!!

Stop claiming "Dime Piece" status and turn your dimes into quarters for yourself!! When you least expect it, Mr. Goodbar will come around ready and willing to sweep you off your feet and you'll let him because you deserve it!! You've worked HARD to enjoy a fabulous life and anyone wanting to step into it had better COME CORRECT or STAY HOME.

Wouldn't you rather have options instead of being one???

Until next time,

GOD Bless!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Patience......can you really have too much??

Good Morning fellow divas and don juans!!!

So today I'm pondering upon this whole Patience situation.........When can you tell if you're practicing "Procrastination vs Patience"??

In my industry, there's always someone working on a business or starting a company or planning a business, yada yada yada you get my point so I'm constantly running into plan makers. They run down their plans, talk about how big it's going to be, imagine themselves on MTV Cribs then they ALWAYS end it with:

As long as I'm patient, it's going to pop off!!!!

Will it? Okay maybe it will but how much will it really succeed without any urgency?? Yes I believe we're to plan our moves carefully and be patient while they're manifesting BUT......... There must be a sense of urgency embedded within us if we ever want to see our plans rise to their fullest potential!! Some think that moving at a snail's pace is equivalent to being patient-NOT QUITE.........Nothing's going to fall in our laps!!! And trust me, if it does, you're probably going to pay far more for it in the end. The best opportunities in life are often the ones we ourselves create!!

When you're scared to strike out of your comfort zone, you're almost sure to remain stagnant until you pull out that inner strength and WRITE YOUR OWN PAYCHECK!!!! Being patient is neccessary but being a procrastinator can have a negative impact on your life. I used to be one of the BIGGEST procrastinators in the history of the word until my gran told me "You're either in the race or you're on the bench. There's no in between".

Thanks gran!!!

Until next time,

God Bless!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I really want to help you........... Do you now???

Good Morning fellow divas and don juans!!

So this morning is interesting, I have so many things jumping around in my head but this particular situation is quite hilarious.......

I received an email from a "potential investor" two weeks ago regarding a partnership. Sounds great right?? Yes I'd love to have investors beating my studio door down begging me to take their money but there's one thing I learned about legitmate offers.........The usually won't come in an email, ESPECIALLY one that hasn't been SPELL CHECKED!! Okay really the guy mis-spelled at least half the email!!! And you're a multi-millionaire wanting to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into my business.......RIGHT!!!! LOL

Ever wondered why people love to waste precious time pretending to be what they're not?? Do you know how much time and energy you lose roaming around make believe land? Get out of the clouds!! I don't want anyone around me that practices BITCH ASSNESS!!! Excuse my language people but trying to front and fake for the world is a perfect example of this!!! To decieve one into thinking you're more than you are can ruin someone's life depending on the severity of the deception. Be cautious of your actions towards others, you know life is like a boomerang! What you throw out comes right back to smack you upside the head!!!

Until next time,

God Bless!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Think Quick!! Change is Coming!!

Greetings fellow divas and don juans!!

So I had an opportunity present itself to me over the holiday weekend that now requires me to pay some serious attention to my next move...or two....or three. The opportunity is GREAT, I mean REALLY GREAT but I must act quickly before it becomes a blurred vision in my "back in the day" memory book. Sometimes when we have something that seems too good to be true, we often think it probably is but what if it might just be our blessing pouring from the window God opened for us???

There's always cons with anything in life obviously but have I been so used to adding more cons to my life than pros I can't even recognize a hot opp when I see one?? Maybe I'm just tricking myself into thinking playing it safe is the best way to go.........Yeah that's it!! Then in another five years I'll be looking back wondering what could've been if I would've grabbed life by the hairy pair and went for it!!!!

As I lean towards the decision that best fits where I am as well as where I'm going, I begin to see the writing on the Nordstrom's dressing room mirror:

Thinking it won't,
Wishing it won't,
Doing it WILL!!!

My mind is made up, no more sitting back in the nosebleeds for me ladies and gents!! Until next time,  God Bless you and yours!

New Year's Resolutions.......Really??

Happy New Year fellow divas!!! Tis the season to get in shape, get your finances in order, start a new relationship, end an old one........on and on and on!! For those of you that have always been able to make a list and stick to it, good for you!! As for the remaining 98% of us, it takes a little more than writing our "from now on" wishes down.

For me, I think I've been afraid to change. What if I succeed?? With success comes responsibilty so while I've dreamed of making it big with my jewelry and fashion, am I really ready for what comes with the fortune and fame?? As I sit and think about how many hours I "intend" to spend making fabulous pieces that will sell for hundreds, something always seems to flash through my brain that leaves me less than confident. Lazy Minded?? Some may say, actually I say it!!

What can I do to exercise my God given gift of intelligence?? Re-program my mind of course but is it easy?? After timeless trials tribulations and disappointments, I've learned that it's in fact as easy as you allow it to be.......

Happy New Year Everyone!!