Monday, January 4, 2010

Think Quick!! Change is Coming!!

Greetings fellow divas and don juans!!

So I had an opportunity present itself to me over the holiday weekend that now requires me to pay some serious attention to my next move...or two....or three. The opportunity is GREAT, I mean REALLY GREAT but I must act quickly before it becomes a blurred vision in my "back in the day" memory book. Sometimes when we have something that seems too good to be true, we often think it probably is but what if it might just be our blessing pouring from the window God opened for us???

There's always cons with anything in life obviously but have I been so used to adding more cons to my life than pros I can't even recognize a hot opp when I see one?? Maybe I'm just tricking myself into thinking playing it safe is the best way to go.........Yeah that's it!! Then in another five years I'll be looking back wondering what could've been if I would've grabbed life by the hairy pair and went for it!!!!

As I lean towards the decision that best fits where I am as well as where I'm going, I begin to see the writing on the Nordstrom's dressing room mirror:

Thinking it won't,
Wishing it won't,
Doing it WILL!!!

My mind is made up, no more sitting back in the nosebleeds for me ladies and gents!! Until next time,  God Bless you and yours!

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