Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I really want to help you........... Do you now???

Good Morning fellow divas and don juans!!

So this morning is interesting, I have so many things jumping around in my head but this particular situation is quite hilarious.......

I received an email from a "potential investor" two weeks ago regarding a partnership. Sounds great right?? Yes I'd love to have investors beating my studio door down begging me to take their money but there's one thing I learned about legitmate offers.........The usually won't come in an email, ESPECIALLY one that hasn't been SPELL CHECKED!! Okay really the guy mis-spelled at least half the email!!! And you're a multi-millionaire wanting to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars into my business.......RIGHT!!!! LOL

Ever wondered why people love to waste precious time pretending to be what they're not?? Do you know how much time and energy you lose roaming around make believe land? Get out of the clouds!! I don't want anyone around me that practices BITCH ASSNESS!!! Excuse my language people but trying to front and fake for the world is a perfect example of this!!! To decieve one into thinking you're more than you are can ruin someone's life depending on the severity of the deception. Be cautious of your actions towards others, you know life is like a boomerang! What you throw out comes right back to smack you upside the head!!!

Until next time,

God Bless!!!

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